Creating a digital link between you and your customers
Banqup saves time and boosts productivity. Less manual work and more time for financial advice.
Automate your processes and use real-time access to client documents.
With Banqup, you get real-time access to your customers' invoices, documents and payments.
Digital processes save time, enable smarter working and real-time collaboration.
These are the benefits of Banqup. Now you can automate manual, time-consuming tasks and spend your time where you need it.
Find out what digitisation can do for you and your business and start working with your customers in real time.
Banqup is a single financial ecosystem, independent of accounting software.
Continue working with familiar accounting platforms and enter customer invoices from Banqup into existing systems.
Learn more about Banqup integrations.
Simply send your invoices, receipts and financial documents to your Banqup platform. Email, swipe into the platform or take a picture on your smartphone. Learn more about the different upload methods on our blog.
Banqup's OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology then converts the text and data of your financial documents into digital files. Not only does this significantly reduce manual data entry, it also means your documents become digital.
See our pricing page and the different tariff plans on the platform.
Benefit from smarter and faster processes.
No more data entry, no more searching for receipts, just a real-time overview and instant access to documents. And leave the manual work and tasks to Banqup.
Yes. You can decide which company representatives see which customers. Define user levels and set the rules you want.
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition.
OCR is a technique used to extract data electronically. Invoices and documents are scanned by Banqup and the data is extracted from there. Banqup always uses automatic OCR, which is included as standard with all subscriptions. Banqup also has manual OCR for invoice recognition in the Premium package.
Contact Banqup customer support at
Get started with Banqup and benefit from the simplicity of the Banqup console and the Banqup client platform.