Be confident knowing you can pay and get paid on time with Banqup Simple Payments. Banqup offers automatic payment processes and multiple payment options.
Paying and receiving payment is easy with Banqup Business Wallet.
What is Banqup Business Wallet? Your Banqup Business Wallet is an IBAN account issued by Unifiedpost Payments. It gives your business one simple tool to make payments and get paid.
Get started with the Banqup Optimum rate plan and start using Banqup payment solutions.
Get started with the Banqup Optimum tariff plan and make simple payments in no time.
Why not pay your bills the easy and convenient way?
Upload and pay your invoices without entering data.
Pay multiple invoices at the same time.
Authorise payments using your Banqup ID app
Keep all paid invoices in the Banqup digital archive
Want faster and more accurate payments? Use Banqup.
Faster payments with Banqup Paylink payment buttons.
Never get paid late with Banqup payment reminders.
Accepts payments via PSD2, credit cards and local payment methods.
Payments via Banqup Paylink are automatically reconciled.
Create and send invoices in seconds for even faster payment.
Additional features to improve payment processes.
Check your balances and cash flow in real time using your Banqup app.
Banqup Terminal POS (point of sale) functionality.
Banqup debit card will be available soon
Make transactions stress-free with secure and authorised payments.
Correct and timely payments ensure more accurate cash flow.
Automated payment orders save you and your business time.
Activate your Banqup payment solution today and start taking advantage of the payment features immediately.